We advertised art, with art. Launching new buildings and private commissions for one of the largest contemporary art museums in the world: Tate Modern.

States of Matter
Client: TATE

Museum Launch, Digital Experience

Our Role

Were we the first people to step foot in the Tate’s newest extension The Switch House? Arguably. Were we the first to do it in white boiler suits? Definitely. To launch this new building to the world, we created a digital experience that explored its architectural textures, by linking it to different states of matter: Plasma, Air, Solid and Liquid. Our abstract film titled States of Matter, pushed viewers to ‘switch’ seamlessly between the four at their discretion, accompanied by a harmonious soundtrack specially composed by (name-drop) Sigor Rós.

Following this project, we ventured into the Turbine Hall to help build upon the visions of some world-famous artists including Anicka Yi. This Hyundai-commissioned exhibition saw us create a film that would immortalise Yi’s installation and bring it to life for those who were unable to visit – by depicting the emotion and reactions of those who could. And to top it all off, we got to produce another specially composed soundtrack. Nice.


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